Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mediocrity = Philippines?

Tell me what you think about this proposition:

"Political apathy and a willingness to accept a low common denominator of performance have taken their toll on the psyche of the Philippine people."

That was written by Daniel Wagner of the Huffington Post, as he analyzed the two big events that transpired for the Philippines within 24 hours: the bus hostage situation and Miss Universe.

He said we are a nation without hope.

I say we are a nation that puts our hope in the wrong things.

What do you say?

Read the full article at The Huffington Post.

1 comment:

  1. "Or is it because they have no expectations that anything will change, regardless of who is in power? Definitely. What does this say about the country's future? Nothing good."
    -Daniel Wagner of the Huffington Post

    how disappointing. I don't think the generalization was necessary. but, i couldn't blame those outside our nation to see all of us as the same because frankly, we are somehow the same as a people.

    As individuals, we each have hopes for our country. As a people, we seem to lack action.

    In short, doing nothing but hoping.
