Friday, June 25, 2010

The Leakage

Communicating with the rest of the world has never been this easy. In its 20th year of existence, the internet has become a venue for individuals from different parts of the globe to speak out their minds and share information with each other. It also goes beyond the usual self-centered posts of many internet users. There has been a growing conscience to participate in the relay of information and discussion of pressing issues that surround our society. Through this, internet users take part in nation building.

This can be seen in the documentary, Virtual Revolution, which higlighted the development of the internet and featured several powerful websites throughout history. What grabbed my attention was the site called Wikileaks for it is investigative journalism with no holds barred. The site hosts remarkable documents which reveal anomalies in the governments of various countries. The Wikileaks community pledges to protect its contributors from getting their identity discovered.

The Wikileaks website follows the same principle of the internet where no individual or group has the monopoly of power over as it multi-jurisdictional in nature. The people at Wikileaks feel
that it is their duty to be of service to the public.

"We believe that transparency in government activities leads to reduced corruption, better government and stronger democracies." I have to agree because only such government can lead the people to the right direction. If it does otherwise, the people have the power to
complain and redress their grievances. Wikileaks have become such platform to hear the truth from the people who investigate and examine the truth in the governments around the globe.

With all these in mind, I'll leave you with a quote that was cited in the case of the Pentagon Papers. It's something to think about. "Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government."


1 comment:

  1. i agree with you're quote.only a free press can expose government malfeasance and corruption but we should also be wary of how the press plays it. they can use their gate keeping and agenda setting power for their own interest too....but nevertheless the press should always be free!
