Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Collaboration Project 2.0

by: Margie Marie G. Manlunas

This is my collaboration project with a girl named Vanessa whom I met through and as what her profile says, she is from Macau. She loves taking photographs. I think I got lucky when I collaborated with her. So here's what happened:
I logged into my old deviantart account which I couldn't remember when I created an account. I think that was 2 years ago, and never did I post a "deviation". Then yesterday, I opened it again wishfully thinking I could use that account to tap some people for the collaboration project. Little did I know that it worked! So I was searching through a couple of photographs looking for a picture that I can actually work on and edit. So I found this photograph.
It was simply titled, Church. So I thought, I could use the simplicity of this photo and make it a little funky and edgy. So I sent a message to the owner of the photo. And surprisingly (kinatuwa ko naman) she replied 15 minutes after! Below is our conversation (I hope you can read it!).

So there I just made a new friend too! Here's what I did with the photo of Vanessa:

It was fun working with the photo. And then, she liked what I did!

I had so much fun doing the home work that it didn't feel like school work at all! It is so cool! Thanks Vanessa! You can check her deviantart account here. Check her out guys! And you can see what she added to her Favorites, my edited work of her photograph!

Good Vibes!
You can check a bigger version of my work click here.

1 comment:

  1. i wouldn't have thought to do the enhancement of a church spire that way. good job!
